Your Best Info Source for Peace Corps Botswana

The flag of Botswana: horizontal strips - top and bottom light sky blu, a black middle stripe, and two thin white stripes seperating the blue and black.

Welcome to your best source of information for Peace Corps Botswana! If you’re considering volunteering in Botswana, you’ve come to the right place. We’ll tell you more about the history of the Peace Corps in Botswana and explore Botswana as a nation. You’ll learn about the languages spoken in the country and hear about other volunteers experiences. You can find more information about safety and health issues here too. And we’ll tell you how to connect with returned Peace Corps Volunteers (RPCVs) who served in Botswana. Get ready to find out more about information to help you decide if serving in Botswana is right for you.

Volunteers work on projects in Botswana: Education, Youth in Development, and Health (leaving in August).

What is the History of Peace Corps Botswana?

The Peace Corps started working in Botswana in 1966, soon after the country became independent. In the beginning, volunteers mainly helped with education by teaching in secondary schools and improving the school system. Over time, their work grew to include health, HIV/AIDS prevention, and community projects. Volunteers work closely with local people to support sustainable growth and build skills. Recently, the Peace Corps has focused on economic development, helping young people, and protecting the environment. Through all these projects, the Peace Corps has helped Botswana grow and created strong friendships between Americans and Batswana.

side by side maps, one showing Botswana's location in Africa, and another showing more details of Botswana

What about Botswana as a nation?

Botswana is a landlocked country in Southern Africa, known for its stable democracy and impressive economic growth since gaining independence from Britain in 1966. It has a relatively small population, with the capital city being Gaborone. Botswana is famous for its rich wildlife and vast protected areas, including the Okavango Delta, a UNESCO World Heritage site. The country’s economy has been largely driven by diamond mining, but it is also known for its efforts in wildlife conservation and tourism. Botswana has one of the highest Human Development Index (HDI) ratings in Africa, reflecting its strong emphasis on education, healthcare, and social services.

What languages do they speak in Botswana?

In Botswana, the official language is English, which is used in government, business, and education. The national language is Setswana (also known as Tswana), spoken by the majority of the population in daily life. Additionally, there are several other indigenous languages spoken by various ethnic groups, including Kalanga, Sekgalagadi, and Herero.

During their service in Botswana, Volunteers learn to speak local languages, including Setswana.

a Botswana Peace Corps volunteer standing with her host family

How safe is it serve as a volunteer in Botswana?

In general, 89% of volunteers felt safe or very safe where they lived in Botswana. And 100% felt safe or very safe where they worked. But more detailed information about safety compared to other Peace Corps countries can be found in the Botswana Country Crime Profile.

Most of the medical problems seen in Botswana are also found in the United States, such as colds,

diarrhea, skin infections, headaches, minor injuries, sexually transmitted infections, adjustment disorders, and emotional problems. For Volunteers, these problems may be more frequent or compounded by life in Botswana because local factors raise the risk of or exacerbate the severity of certain illnesses.

The medical problems specific to Botswana are:

  • typhoid, Hepatitis A and B, rabies, diarrhea, amoebic dysentery
  • skin infections, dental problems, headaches, respiratory infections, minor injuries
  • HIV/AIDS, and STIs. 

Health problems also can result from local environmental factors, such as dust,

humidity, insects, and disease-producing microorganisms. Because malaria is endemic in Botswana, Volunteers are required to take anti-malarial medication. But more detailed information about health related issues at Peace Corps Botswana can be found in the Botswana Health and Medical Care Summary.

a female Peace Corps volunteer in Botswana laughing with some friends

What do volunteers think of serving in Botswana?

Since 1975, the Annual Volunteer Survey has been a source of information on the state of the Peace Corps (PC) program for the agency, Congress, researchers, the media, and the general public. In 2019, 86% of volunteers found their overall Peace Corps service rewarding or very rewarding. 80% of volunteers would still make the same decision to serve with the Peace Corps today. 75% of volunteers would recommend Peace Corps service to others. More information can be found in the Botswana Annual Volunteer Survey Satisfaction Results.

Where can I learn more about Peace Corps Botswana volunteer experiences?

PCV blogs and YouTube channels offer a unique look into the daily life of volunteers serving in Botswana. These blogs and channels can help you understand the challenges and triumphs that come with being a volunteer. Explore these links for inspiring stories and practical advice from current and past volunteers.

The flag of Botswana: horizontal strips - top and bottom light sky blu, a black middle stripe, and two thin white stripes seperating the blue and black.

If you’re interested in learning more about serving in Botswana, I’ve got you covered! Click here to see all of my posts about Peace Corps Botswana with details on the experience, culture, food, packing tips, and more.

A co-teacher and Botswana Peace Corps volunteer teach in a classroom

How can I connect with Returned PCVs who served in Botswana?

And where can I find official information about Peace Corps Botswana?

Welcome to Botswana Peace Corps book cover

This is an old PC publication called “The Peace Corps Welcomes You to Botswana“, published in 2014. In the past, before the internet, this is how volunteers learned more about Botswana. Even though it is many years old, there is still a lot of good information there. You can download it here but remember it is just for informational purposes. For up-to-date information, always check with you Peace Corps contacts and staff.

A Botswana Peace Corps volunteer joins in a discussion with students arranged in a circle


This blog post has provided you with information to help you decide if serving in Botswana is right for you. You have gained insights into the cultural, linguistic, and developmental aspects of the country. We have also touched on the safety considerations and health-related information relevant to volunteers. And, you learned how to connect with returned Peace Corps Volunteers. For more information about Peace Corps Botswana, you can visit the Peace Corps website or explore the provided resources. We hope this post has been helpful in your quest for information on Peace Corps Botswana.

The content of this post does not necessarily reflect the views of the U.S. Government, the Peace Corps, or the Botswana Government.

About Jim Damico

My name is Jim. And I have served in the Peace Corps in Thailand, Mongolia, Nepal, and now Armenia. I set up this website to help others interested in PC or already serving. For more info click the "About" link at the top of the page.

View all posts by Jim Damico