Crossing Cultures: Asian American volunteers in the Peace Corps

To celebrate Asian American & Pacific Islander Heritage Month, we have collected interviews for the series "Crossing Cultures: Asian American volunteers in the Peace Corps"

May is Asian American and Pacific Islander Heritage Month. To celebrate, we highlight the amazing stories and experiences of a few Asian American volunteers in the Peace Corps. Welcome to this series that looks at the incredible people who have embraced new challenges in very different cultures and made a lasting impact by volunteering their service.

Since 1961, the Peace Corps has sent volunteers all over the world to help communities. And a big part of that is showing the diversity of the US by sending volunteers who represent “all” of America. Asian American and Pacific Islander Peace Corps volunteers have played a big part. They have helped connect different cultures and build relationships.

This series shares the stories of Asian and Pacific Islander volunteers and looks at how their heritage shaped their service. Through conversations and actions, they inspire us to create a more connected, inclusive world for everyone.

Join us as we cross cultural borders and learn from the bold volunteers helping to create positive change globally. Their journeys remind us that our differences are what unite us.

Jeff, PCV – Nepal

Jeff, a Peace Corps volunteer with Asian heritage, sits with his host parents in Nepal.

Get to know Jeff Zhou‘s incredible journey as a Peace Corps Food Security volunteer in Nepal. Learn about how Jeff and other Asian Americans are doing amazing things to help communities grow. Dive into his story and find out how service can change lives! Read More Here!

Arina, PCV – Armenia

Arina, an Asian volunteer with the Peace Corps serving in Armenia, sitting in front of a statue

We’re thrilled to introduce Arina Xiong, a Hmong American volunteer breaking barriers and making a difference in Armenia with the Peace Corps. Join us as we explore her motivations, service experience, impact on the community, personal growth, and valuable advice for aspiring volunteers.. Read More Here!

Tenzin, PCV – Armenia

portrait of Asian volunteer, Tenzin, who is serving in the Peace Corps in Armenia

Get ready to be inspired by Tenzin Nyima‘s amazing journey as a Peace Corps volunteer in Armenia. Let’s celebrate the strength and impact of Asian Americans like Tenzin around the world by hearing his story. Find out about the challenges he faced and the positive changes he is making. Read More Here!

Katie, PCV – Fiji

a group photo of Peace Corps Fiji volunteers with Katie, an Asian American

Come along on an adventure with Katie Zhao as she shares her time as a Peace Corps volunteer in Fiji. Let’s honor the strength and influence of Asian-Americans like Katie everywhere through her story. Learn about the ups and downs she experienced and the important friendships she is making. Read More Here!

Ben, RPCV – Mongolia

Ben, an Asian American Peace Corps volunteer serving in Mongolia riding a horse in traditional clothes

Come along on Ben Parks‘s journey as a Peace Corps volunteer in Mongolia from 2017-19. Discover how Ben faced challenges and made a real impact in communities. Dive into his story to learn about the strength of Asian-Americans and the power of service. Don’t miss out on this inspiring tale! Read More Here!

Other Asian American volunteers

Key Take Away

As we finish up this series, “Crossing Cultures: Asian American volunteers in the Peace Corps,” we’re reminded of the amazing impact these awesome volunteers have had all over the world. They’ve worked hard, been strong, and helped so many people.

Even after Asian American and Pacific Islander Heritage Month is over, let’s keep honoring the Asian-Americans who came before us and also cheer on the current generation making a difference right now. Let’s keep trying to understand each other, be kind, and come together to make the world better for everyone.

Thanks to all the people who shared their stories. Let’s keep being inspired by them and making our own positive mark on the world!

The content of this post does not necessarily reflect the views of the U.S. Government or the Peace Corps.

About Jim Damico

My name is Jim. And I have served in the Peace Corps in Thailand, Mongolia, Nepal, and now Armenia. I set up this website to help others interested in PC or already serving. For more info click the "About" link at the top of the page.

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