Building Bridges: Women in the Peace Corps

Celebrating Women's History Month with stories from US Peace Corps volunteers

In March, during Women’s History Month, we can read about some amazing women who have chosen to help others, show kindness, and learn about different cultures through the United States Peace Corps. Welcome to “Building Bridges: Women in the Peace Corps,” a series all about sharing the incredible stories and contributions of these inspiring women.

In this post, we focus on the stories of 30 women who said yes to helping, leaving their comfort zone and what they knew to embrace new challenges and make friends from different cultures. Each woman we talk to has her own way of looking at things, a strong sense of purpose, and a strong desire to change the world.

MJ, an Education volunteer in Madagascar taking a selfie with some students
Selfie, as requested by and, with some of my students (Mj – Madagascar)


Bianca, a Peace Corps Education volunteer in Thailand, playing with some kids and having a blast!
Bianca, (Thailand), playing with some kids and having a blast!


Kim, a US Peace Corps volunteer in St. Vincent, Me and a few of her happy Grade 2 and 3 students
Kim (St. Vincent) and a few of her happy Grade 2 and 3 students


Central America & Mexico

Camden posing with a lot of young students in a classroom in Armenia. She is one of our Women in the Peace Corps series called "Building Bridges"
Camden (Armenia) posing with a lot of young students in a classroom in Armenia.

Eastern Europe & Central Asia

Peace Corps Youth in Development volunteer with some of her high school English students in Morocco.
Emily (Morocco) with her high school English students

North Africa

Pacific Islands

A group picture with Michelle, a volunteer in Guyana, with her girl's soccer team
Michelle (Guyana) with her school’s girl’s football team

South America

Women’s History Month 2014 – Women in the Peace Corps: Making a Difference Since 1961

Be Inspired!

As we finish up, we’re reminded of the amazing impact these awesome women have had all over the world. They’ve worked hard, been strong, and helped so many people.

Even after Women’s History Month is over, let’s keep honoring the women who came before us and also cheer on the women making a difference right now. Let’s keep trying to understand each other, be kind, and come together to make the world better for everyone.

Thanks to all the women who shared their stories. Let’s keep being inspired by them and making our own positive mark on the world!

The content of this post does not necessarily reflect the views of the U.S. Government or the Peace Corps.

About Jim Damico

My name is Jim. And I have served in the Peace Corps in Thailand, Mongolia, Nepal, and now Armenia. I set up this website to help others interested in PC or already serving. For more info click the "About" link at the top of the page.

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