When you buy a Nike+ Sports kit, you are encouraged to sign up at Nike.com where you’re running information will be uploaded, stored and shared if you like. But, since my iPod was stolen, that plan was put on hold for obvious reasons. But until I get my new iPod (ordered a new Nano 6), I still stop by the Nike website to see if there is anything new or interesting.

Recently, they added a feature called “Nike Run Reporters” where they gathered five young people with a wide-range of running background, from beginner to competitive runner, to write blog entries. Today I was reading Jena Winger’s post. Her new coach gave her a Goal Setting Worksheet and I asked if she could send me a copy. Her reply was nice and she was kind enough to send me a copy.
I posted it below, not just for runners but for anyone, for whatever is your passion. Just replace the words to reflect your life and goals.
Name: _____________________________________ Age: _________
What is a goal?
Simply stated, goals are the results that you set out to achieve.
Why are they important?
Goals are important because they help set a direction in which to focus your efforts and work. Your training plan is the road map that will get you to the goals you want to accomplish. Without goals you have no direction. Without direction it is difficult to achieve anything.
Are there different kinds of goals?
Yes. You will set goals that are for the season, for the month, for a particular race, and for each training session. Thus you have Long Term Goals for the upcoming season, Intermediate Goals for the next month and Short Term Goals for the next weeks. It is also good to look at “Blue Sky Goals” or goals that you dream about happening some day.
Please set the following goals. But always remember goals can and should be changed as you evolve as a runner. What you thought impossible a year ago may now be within your reach. We will come back to these sheets again and again to reevaluate your goals.
First look at the following types of goals and set some general statements about where you want to go with them. Some can have more than one statement or you might feel one is not so important. Think about what is holding you back from achieving your goals and how you might go about accomplishing them.
For each category you have to write a goal statement, the obstacles you might face on your way to achieving that goal, and your plan to reach it.
Training Goals
- Goal Statement:
- Obstacles:
- Plan to get there:
Racing Goals
- Goal Statement:
- Obstacles:
- Plan to get there:
Work Goals
- Goal Statement:
- Obstacles:
- Plan to get there:
Health Goals
- Goal Statement:
- Obstacles:
- Plan to get there:
Mental Goals
- Goal Statement:
- Obstacles:
- Plan to get there:
Social Goals
- Goal Statement:
- Obstacles:
- Plan to get there:
Below please state your training and racing goals for the upcoming season. These will be Long Term, Intermediate, and Short Term. Be Specific!
Long Term Goals for the Upcoming Season
Training and Racing
Intermediate Goals for the next month
Short term goals for the next few weeks.
Please write an imagined scenario. You have finished your year of training and racing, What would you write about your accomplishments and how you got there? Be specific!
Maybe I’ll post some of my goals soon.