In this interview, we hear from Carter Gilbert. Carter is working as a Health volunteer in Botswana for the Peace Corps. What Carter shares gives us a better understanding of the work volunteers do. As an LGBTQ+ volunteer, he has navigated unique challenges and opportunities while fostering meaningful relationships with his host community. Carter talks about living in a different country, working with local people, and dealing with surprise situations. Join us as we learn about Carter’s journey and see how volunteering with Peace Corps can change lives.
Table of Contents
- Volunteer Experience and Motivation
- Living Arrangements and Cultural Integration
- Surprises and Challenges
- Advice and Support
- Practical Tips and Language Learning
- Social Identity during Service
- Embracing Challenges, Making a Difference
Volunteer Experience and Motivation
1. Tell us more about serving as a Health volunteer in Botswana?
Most days as a local government Health sector volunteer in Botswana, I spend my time at the Social and Community Development office at the kgotla (the village “town hall”). Here my counterpart and I see local community members who come through with certain challenges that are happening in their lives. There is a range of situations that arise in our community, such as food scarcity, job insecurity, and domestic issues that the social worker will help resolve.
As a local government volunteer in the Health sector, I am allowed to move around the community more than a clinic-based Health volunteer. Because of this I frequently visit the school in the village (a primary school). I try to visit once a week unless I am working on a project at the school where I will show up more often.
Working with Grassroot Soccer
Part of working as a Health volunteer in Botswana is being trained in something called “Grassroot Soccer” which is a third-party program in Africa that is paired alongside Peace Corps. This program gives us the ability to help offer a free program to the children of our villages. While some may hold one session a week throughout their service, I like the “camp” approach.
My previous GRS (Grassroot Soccer) project was a day camp during the week, however, this coming project my counterparts and I wish to make it bigger and do an overnight camp, pairing up with some other Peace Corps Volunteers in the surrounding areas.
Grassroot Soccer offers children, the future of Botswana and the world, the education to make better life choices now and later in their lives. The program teaches life skills (“LifeSkillz”) involving sexual health, HIV/AIDS information and prevention, healthy relationships, and even skills such as money management to the children from the coaches who were trained.
2. What motivated you to join the Peace Corps and choose Botswana?
Where I grew up in Georgia (USA), the primary focus was on recruiting into the military, primarily the Army. Because of this, it wasn’t until later in life that I even heard about the Peace Corps. I first learned about it in 2015 from a friend I met on a study abroad trip.
Her plans involved joining the Peace Corps after graduation, which she did, serving in Senegal. Through her, I was introduced to the idea and began looking into it myself.
I have always felt a strong desire to help others—my primary “love language” is Acts of Service—and I love traveling and learning about new people, cultures, and religions. Knowing that I could provide skill-sharing and help others in another country while sharing my culture and the vast diversity of the American people was a huge incentive for me to apply.
I wanted to help others help themselves through facilitation and, at the same time, share the beauty and truth of the American people. We are so much more than the Hollywood actors often showcased for entertainment.

Living Arrangements and Cultural Integration
3. Tell us more about your home situation
My experiences as a man differ from what my presenting female cohort volunteers may experience, as there are a lot of traditional mindsets in my village and the even smaller surrounding villages. My village has a population of about 4,000 people and is in the same district (“county”) as several other villages, including the main village of our district.
The main village hosts around 40,000 people, which is ironically larger than the population of my hometown back in Georgia. (The last census here was in 2020, but it’s worth noting that COVID may have skewed the results.) Compared to others in my cohort, my village is in the small-to-mid range in terms of population.
As the second cohort to return since COVID, we were the first to start being placed in more rural areas. The first cohort was primarily assigned to much larger villages. My village, for example, has a clinic health post where I occasionally assist my clinic counterpart.
There is also a primary school where I frequently work with my school counterpart. In addition, my village has a small daycare, about three general dealers, and the kgotla, which houses government offices such as Social and Community Development, Village Community Development, the village secretary, the Kgosi (Chief), and the police.
There are also a few locally owned “tuck-shops” (as in tucked away in between houses) where people sell small cooked and prepackaged snack foods, as well as basic household items like toilet paper and seasoning.
Where I live at my site is on a compound with a host family. I have my own small house, similar to a Mother-in-Law style house.
4. Any memorable experiences you’ve had?
The people of Botswana, called Batswana (plural), love it when you embrace their culture. Just speaking a simple greeting in Setswana or wearing their traditional outfit—typically a blue “German print” outfit—can go a long way. Sharing food with them, knowing the handshake, or understanding when to bend at the knees is more than enough to amaze the locals and show your willingness to learn and appreciate their culture.
When they see you trying to be a Motswana (singular), they will stand by you and defend you. For example, they ensure that people, like taxi drivers, don’t try to take advantage of you by overcharging.
Some of my most precious moments in Botswana come from these cultural exchanges and the kindness of the people. These moments have taught me the importance of asking for help and relying on others. Batswana are incredibly communal, and when they see you making an effort to appreciate their language and culture, they will go out of their way to support you.
I can’t think of just one specific instance because there have been so many inspirational moments. Whether it’s someone I’ve just met or someone I’ve known throughout my entire service, the Batswana have consistently had my back and been my friends.

Surprises and Challenges
5. What has surprised you most about challenges in Botswana?
Eating Challenges
Unlike in some other countries, I have my own house in Botswana, which means I am responsible for cooking my food. Most days, I cook what I know, which tends to be American-style meals. Being a vegetarian in Botswana, however, is not an easy task since the country is very meat-forward. There is even a saying, “No meat, no food,” meaning that if someone doesn’t have meat in the house—even with a stocked pantry—they would say they have no food.
Luckily, most traditional foods here don’t mix meat into other dishes; the meat is served on the side. This allows me to enjoy local dishes such as palache (similar to grits but with less water, making it a solid), morogo (a leafy green similar to collard greens but less bitter), samp le dinawa (a type of bean mix), and more. When I explain that I don’t eat meat, including fish or mopane (a type of seasonal caterpillar), I’m often met with disbelief. While staying vegetarian was challenging during Pre-Service Training when I lived with a host family, it has become much easier now that I can cook for myself.
Mindset Challenges
Another challenge in Botswana is navigating the traditional mindset, which does exist in my home state of Georgia but not to the same extent. Women in my cohort experience this more than men. For example, there is an expectation that men provide financially for their girlfriends, wives, or families, while women are expected to take care of the home and children.
A challenge I didn’t anticipate is the perception that all Americans are rich. It’s hard to be asked for money every day and have to explain that I am just a volunteer. Initially, I felt guilt when I had to refuse, but over time, I struggled with feelings of annoyance—especially when those asking for money earned far more than my volunteer stipend.
This has been a learning experience for my entire cohort, and it has opened the door to conversations about misconceptions regarding America. Sometimes, I turn these moments into playful exchanges. Other times, if I know the person well, I may offer to help in other ways, like assisting with their resume, which I’ve done a few times.
6. What challenges did you face while working on Health projects?
One of the challenges I faced with a previous project, which unfortunately never materialized, was creating a youth health club. The plan was for the children to meet, play games, and then, one by one, be dismissed to see a nurse from the clinic for an annual check-up. This project was designed to encourage children to visit the clinic and prioritize their health. However, the space we wanted to use was deemed hazardous, and the project had to be postponed.
With Grassroot Soccer (GRS), the biggest challenge was communicating the purpose of the program to parents, particularly those of young girls. Many parents saw it as just soccer and didn’t understand its broader educational value. As a result, while we planned for thirty children, only about fifteen showed up.
To avoid this issue with the planned overnight GRS camp, we hope to hold multiple meetings—both group and individual—with parents to thoroughly explain the program and what their children will be learning. This should help build understanding and support for the project.
Another challenge I faced was the language barrier. My limited fluency in Setswana and the children’s difficulty understanding English created communication gaps. While Botswana’s public schools are officially English medium—meaning English is supposed to be the primary language of instruction—most children speak Setswana at home. Many struggle with English, particularly when they encounter accents that differ from what they are used to.
7. Could you share some of the secondary projects you have been involved?
The biggest project I’ve worked on so far was with my counterpart at the school. One day, she approached me with a dream project to raise funds for the school: organizing a “Colour Run” in the village.
We began planning in March, which involved writing letters and holding in-person meetings with local businesses and organizations. We even traveled to the “second capital” to pitch our idea and discuss the resources we needed to make it a reality.
On September 21st, we held the Colour Run in the village, and the turnout exceeded our expectations. Through donations and event-day ticket sales, we raised just over 30,000 BWP! Since this was a secondary project, it wasn’t eligible for a Peace Corps grant, so we had to get creative to secure the funds. It was an incredible—and exhausting—experience.
Seeing the village community come together, participate in the activities, and run while covered in colorful powder made all the months of planning worthwhile.
I’ve also worked on smaller secondary projects at the school to share American culture with the children. For example, we organized a Halloween party for the kids. Leading up to the event, I taught them about the holiday’s origins, such as Día de los Muertos, Roman Lemuria, and the American history and modern traditions surrounding Halloween.

Advice and Support
8. What advice would you give to someone considering serving as a Health volunteer in Botswana?
Children will be your primary focus while serving in Botswana, so spending time learning how to engage with them is a good idea. Some villages have more than one school catering to different age groups, unlike my village, which only has schools up to around age twelve.
It’s important to get comfortable not only engaging with children but also discussing sensitive topics like reproductive health and STIs, such as HIV/AIDS. This can be challenging, but it is necessary. Educating children now will help create better-prepared and informed adults in the future.
In Botswana, many young girls are pregnant, and certain tribes within the country still believe in young marriages. Helping children understand how to make smarter decisions about their health is critical, even though it may be difficult or clash with your own beliefs. This knowledge is vital for the well-being of both young girls and boys.
While Peace Corps will provide you with training on a variety of topics, preparing yourself ahead of time by learning how to engage with children about these sensitive issues—particularly sexual health and HIV/AIDS—will benefit both you and the children you work with.
9. How has the Peace Corps training helped you during your service?
Pre-Service Training (PST)
For Peace Corps Botswana, most of the lessons are classroom-style, as opposed to hands-on. During Pre-Service Training, there is language and culture training in the mornings, followed by lessons throughout the day. Afterward, you return home to your host family.
During PST, there is a cultural day, a day dedicated to agriculture training, and towards the end, there is a hands-on learning PACA project. For this, you will collaborate with a local organization to implement a small project. This hands-on project gives you an idea of what you’ll be doing at site. While it can be challenging to balance with all your other lessons, it’s an excellent way to experience how things will operate at your site. Taking this experience seriously, despite any obstacles, will help you better navigate what lies ahead.
In-Service Training (IST)
In-Service Training (IST) provides an opportunity to better understand your supervisor and the local volunteer (TSP), as well as to learn how to work with a Peace Corps volunteer in a more practical way. There are also several other trainings offered, such as Grassroot Soccer, LifeSkillz (DREAM girls), and Supply Chain Management. For volunteers placed in schools and not in clinics, the Supply Chain Management training is replaced with a different session.
Grassroot Soccer and LifeSkillz trainings
The Grassroot Soccer and LifeSkillz trainings are particularly valuable for engaging with children and learning to work cross-culturally with Host Country National (HCN) counterparts. These trainings help teach different skills and educational activities for children. While this can be challenging, it’s incredibly beneficial for both the HCNs and PCVs to learn to collaborate on topics that may sometimes be uncomfortable.
Mid-Service Training (MST)
Mid-Service Training (MST) provides a chance to begin thinking about what comes after Peace Corps. It covers topics such as graduate school options, applying for jobs using non-competitive eligibility, and even the opportunity to speak with former volunteers. These former volunteers can provide valuable insights on transitioning from being a PCV to working with organizations like the CDC or the Embassy.

Practical Tips and Language Learning
10. Anything that you packed or didn’t pack that you’d like to tell future Botswana volunteers?
As a former barista and a general lover of coffee, I’m very happy I packed my AeroPress (a lightweight single-cup coffee press). However, I know of others who went as far as bringing a moka pot. I also packed some coffee beans, but I do wish I had packed more.
Finding coffee that isn’t instant is difficult here, and most PCVs in my cohort who were fine with instant coffee and wouldn’t have considered themselves “coffee people” have since purchased some sort of coffee maker. These can be found in the capital and in Francistown.
Something I didn’t know I would regret not bringing is seasoning. The majority of Tswana cuisine isn’t seasoned—occasionally, only salt or a bouillon cube is used. The seasonings available here tend to be less potent than those back home. My personal favorite seasoning is Italian seasoning, so I do wish I had packed a few of those.
11. How has learning the language been?
Learning the language has its ups and downs. The hardest part has been that Setswana is not available on language learning sites like Rosetta Stone or Duolingo, making it difficult to learn in my free time. However, it does have some sister languages, Tswana and Sotho, which were recently added to Google Translate.
Since Botswana was previously a British protectorate, most of the country also speaks English. The public schools are also English-medium schools, meaning they are supposed to be taught in English, according to the Botswana government. This makes communication easier, even if you’re struggling with Setswana.
Luckily, Peace Corps Botswana currently offers PCVs the opportunity for tutoring reimbursements. If you are able and willing to find a local tutor, this not only helps the local economy by creating a temporary job but also aids in your integration with language and cultural learning. This, in turn, can help make you a better and more impactful Peace Corps Volunteer.

Social Identity during Service
Service Experience:
- In what ways do you think your social identity has shaped your approach to community engagement and service during your Peace Corps assignment?
As a member of the LGBTQ+ community, I, a bisexual/pansexual transgender male, feel it has allowed me the opportunity to see how the country views gender and gender dynamics in a different light. I remain “stealth” (silent about being transgender) in the village, as well as back home except to friends. Remaining stealth in the village is still best for my integration and livelihood.
I feel being transgender allows me to approach differences in culture and cultural expressions in a more compassionate way. While LGBTQ+ matters are decriminalized in Botswana, it is still rather taboo and not openly discussed.
For the most part, Batswana are kind-hearted and maintain a mindset of “what you do with your life does not impact me.” This sentiment is echoed by the local transgender friends I’ve made and communicated through sporadic conversations when the topic was brought up.
Challenges and Triumphs:
- What challenges have you faced during your Peace Corps service, especially as LGPTQ+ volunteer, and how did you overcome them?
Botswana is rather peaceful, both diplomatically and socially. I have not witnessed any LGBTQ+ discrimination, even indirectly, against anyone. In fact, there have been discussions held by officials at kgotla meetings about the importance of accepting intersex individuals. Admittedly, these meetings were conducted in Setswana, and I only received summarized translations afterward.
The Setswana language itself is relatively ungendered. For example, instead of “mma” for ma’am and “rra” for sir, pronouns are used to denote personal or other, and singular versus plural, where “she” and “he” share the same pronoun. However, traditional gender roles are still deeply ingrained, with women expected to care for the house and children while men are viewed as the primary workers.
In my village, there is a woman who is transgender. Although she attends university in another area for most of the year, people seem to accept her and treat her as they would any other woman. That said, she is still expected to take on traditional female roles.
The majority of transgender Batswana I know have moved to larger cities for work or school. They often speak of experiencing greater freedom of expression in these urban areas compared to smaller village.
Advice for Aspiring LGPTQ+ Volunteers:
- What advice would you give to other LGPTQ+ people considering joining the Peace Corps?
There have been some changes since I swore in, so I cannot comment on this as a whole. However, during your service in-country, it is important to recognize that most countries where the Peace Corps operates are developing nations with more traditional mindsets. This means it is a personal decision to determine how much of your identity and who you love to share. Often, the safest and best approach is to keep some aspects of yourself private until you are sure of someone’s mindset and intentions.
Many LGBTQ+ and transgender volunteers choose to keep this part of their identity entirely private during their service. If you have not physically begun the medical transition process, you will likely need to serve as the gender that aligns with your physical presentation. This is a difficult reality to navigate, but it reflects the cultural ideologies present in many developing countries.
It is wise to research what it means to be LGBTQ+ in your host country. Online platforms, such as Reddit, can be a valuable resource to connect with past and current volunteers who can offer firsthand insights about the experience in your specific country.
As for Botswana, as I mentioned earlier, the country is generally peaceful and safe, with minimal issues for LGBTQ+ individuals. However, even here, I recommend keeping certain aspects of your life private unless you have fully come to trust someone’s perspectives and intentions. Most volunteers in Botswana who chose to come out to their communities did so only when they were leaving. Even then, they only disclosed their identity to those they trusted not to affect the perception of the Peace Corps and its goals.

Embracing Challenges, Making a Difference
Thank you for joining us on this journey through Carter Gilbert’s inspiring experience as a Health volunteer in Botswana. His stories of cultural exchange, resilience, and community impact remind us of the profound ways Peace Corps service shapes lives—both for the volunteers and the communities they serve. Whether it’s through fostering health education, navigating cultural nuances, or embracing personal growth, Carter’s journey exemplifies the transformative power of service. We hope his story inspires you to explore new possibilities, connect with diverse cultures, and consider the incredible opportunities volunteering can bring. Stay tuned for more stories from volunteers around the world!
So, what are you waiting for? Opportunities like this don’t come often. If you have a passion for service and an adventurous spirit like Carter’s, apply to the Peace Corps today. Expand your horizons, push your limits, and create positive impact as a volunteer. You never know how serving as a Peace Corps volunteer could change your life.
The content of this post does not necessarily reflect the views of the U.S. Government, the Peace Corps, or Botswana Government.