Show Me America!

What better way to see America up close and personal than on a mountain bike ride. I would meet people from ‘Small Town USA’. And I would be riding through some spectacular scenery. This ride would benefit the my cousin Nancy’s memorial scholarship at TWU.

in the ‘somewhat’ salty York River
On April 15th, 2001, I dipped my mountain bike’s back wheel in the York River in Virginia. Before that, I had never been on a bike tour, let alone a 6-month trip. Instead of wishing for more chances to experience life on the scale of an “expedition” I’d just do it! One idea was a cross-country bike trip. What better way to see America up close and personal. After all, I am from Missouri, the ‘Show Me’ state.
To Benefit Texas Woman’s University

Besides traveling across this nation, I wanted to do something more. This ride was a benefit for the Nancy Johnson-Coyle Endowment Fund. This was a memorial scholarship started to honor my cousin, Nancy, at Texas Woman’s University. While studying at TWU, she died in 1998 after a long illness while I was hiking the Appalachian Trail. The fund provides scholarships for graduate students in Women’s Studies. We raised over $5000 for the fund. Helping other students realize their potential with this scholarship is a fitting tribute.
Adventure Cycling Routes

My trip combines five cross-country bike routes by the Adventure Cycling Association. The TransAmerica Bicycle Trail was 25 years old when I set out. The other major route I attempted on this ride was the Great Divide Mountain Bike Route. I arrived to a warm welcome on the TWU campus on October 15, 2001!
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