Your Best Info Source for Peace Corps North Macedonia

Flag of North Macedonia where Peace Corps North Macedonia has been there since 1996

Welcome to the top spot for info on Peace Corps North Macedonia! If volunteering in North Macedonia interests you, you came to the right website. We’ll fill you in on Peace Corps’ past in North Macedonia. We’ll also give details about North Macedonia as a country. You can find out the languages spoken there. You can also check out stories from other volunteers. Here you can get info about safety and health. We’ll also provide ways to reach out to former Peace Corps peeps in North Macedonia. Get set to learn more to help choose if North Macedonia is a good fit for you!

Volunteers in North Macedonia work on projects in Education and Community Development (leave in September).

What is the History of Peace Corps North Macedonia?

The Peace Corps came to North Macedonia in 1996. This was not long after the country became independent from Yugoslavia in 1991. Since then, many volunteers have come to North Macedonia to help out. While the exact number changes from year to year, lots of volunteers have worked there over time.

These volunteers have been part of different programs. They’ve helped with education, teaching English in local schools. And they’ve also worked on projects related to health, farming, and the environment. These projects aimed to make life better for people in North Macedonia.

What about North Macedonia as a nation?

North Macedonia is a country in southeastern Europe. It became its own nation in 1991 after being part of Yugoslavia. The country has people from different backgrounds, like Macedonians and Albanians. Its capital city is Skopje.

In recent years, North Macedonia has made important changes. For example, it resolved a naming issue with Greece. This led to the country’s name changing to “North Macedonia” in 2019. This change helped North Macedonia become a part of NATO and the European Union.

Like any country, North Macedonia has its own challenges. It needs to make its economy stronger, and keep politics stable. And it should maintain good relationships between different groups of people. But it’s a unique nation with a rich history, beautiful landscapes, and diverse cultures. And it’s working hard to keep moving forward.

Map showing the location of North Macedonia in relation to the other countries of Europe

What is the weather like in North Macedonia?

North Macedonia has a continental climate. It gets cold in the winter and hot during the summer. The country is in the southern part of the Balkan peninsula and doesn’t touch the sea. Mountains separate it from the Adriatic Sea to the west and the Aegean Sea to the south. Most major cities are in valleys, making winters colder due to trapped cold air and summers hotter.

  • Rain or snow isn’t much in the valleys, around 20 inches a year, but it increases with altitude. Late spring and autumn are the rainiest seasons, while winter and summer are drier.
  • Winters are generally cold, especially at lower altitudes. January averages slightly above freezing. The weather can vary, with cold spells and warmer days. Cold air from the north or east, sometimes from Russia, can bring intense cold waves.
  • Summers are hot in lower valleys like Skopje, with July and August temperatures around 90°F. Nights are cool, but days can reach up to 104°F. Heat waves from Africa occasionally occur, and rain is infrequent, mostly as afternoon thunderstorms.

What languages do they speak in North Macedonia?

In North Macedonia, the official language is Macedonian. Macedonian is a South Slavic language and spoken by the majority of the population. Additionally, areas with an Albanian ethnic majority speak Albanian. It holds the status of a second official language in places where there are a majority of Albanians. There are also smaller numbers of other languages. These include Serbian, Romani, and Turkish, among others. Language diversity reflects North Macedonia’s multicultural and multiethnic society.

During their service in Peace Corps North Macedonia, volunteers learn to speak local languages, including Albanian and Macedonian. 

How safe is it serve as a volunteer in North Macedonia?

In general, 94% of volunteers felt safe or very safe where they lived in North Macedonia. And 94% felt safe or very safe where they worked. 8% of volunteers early terminated mostly due to resignation and medical reasons. But more detailed information about safety compared to other Peace Corps countries can be found in the North Macedonia Crime, Harassment, and Early Termination of Service Data.

Most of the medical problems seen in North Macedonia are also found in the United States, such as colds, diarrhea, skin infections, headaches, minor injuries, sexually transmitted infections, adjustment disorders, and emotional problems. For Volunteers, these problems may be more frequent or compounded by life in North Macedonia because local factors raise the risk of or exacerbate the severity of certain illnesses.

The medical problems specific to North Macedonia are colds, flu, diarrhea, skin infections, headaches, minor injuries, dental problems, sexually transmitted infections, Hepatitis A, B, and rabies. Health problems also can result from local environmental factors, such as dust, humidity, insects, and disease-producing microorganism 

But more detailed information about health related issues at Peace Corps North Macedonia can be found in the North Macedonia Health and Medical Care Summary.

A Peace Corps North Macedonia volunteer teaches a lesson on America.

What do volunteers think of serving in North Macedonia?

Since 1975, the Annual Volunteer Survey has been a source of information on the state of the Peace Corps (PC) program for the agency, Congress, researchers, the media, and the general public. In 2019, 88% of volunteers found their overall Peace Corps service rewarding or very rewarding. 90% of volunteers would still make the same decision to serve with the Peace Corps today. 85% of volunteers would recommend Peace Corps service to others. More information can be found in the North Macedonia Annual Volunteer Survey Satisfaction Results.

Where can I learn more about Peace Corps North Macedonia volunteer experiences?

PCV blogs and YouTube channels offer a unique look into the daily life of volunteers serving in North Macedonia. These blogs and channels can help you understand the challenges and triumphs that come with being a volunteer. Explore these links for inspiring stories and practical advice from current and past volunteers.

Flag of North Macedonia where Peace Corps North Macedonia has been there since 1996

If you’re interested in learning more about serving in North Macedonia, I’ve got you covered! Click here to see all of my posts about Peace Corps North Macedonia with details on the experience, culture, food, packing tips, and more.

Happy Peace Corps North Macedonia volunteers

And where can I find official information about Peace Corps North Macedonia?

Peace Corps North Macedonia Welcomes You book cover 2014

This is an old PC publication called “The Peace Corps Welcomes You to North Macedonia“, published in 2014. In the past, before the internet, this is how volunteers learned more about North Macedonia. Even though it is many years old, there is still a lot of good information there. You can download it here but remember it is just for informational purposes. For up-to-date information, always check with you Peace Corps contacts and staff.


This blog post provided insights to help determine if serving in North Macedonia is right for you. You got info on North Macedonia’s culture, languages, and growth. We also covered safety tips and health facts for volunteers. Plus, we explained how to connect with former Peace Corps peeps. To learn more about Peace Corps North Macedonia, check their website or the resources here. We hope this post was helpful for getting details on Peace Corps North Macedonia!

The content of this post does not necessarily reflect the views of the U.S. Government, the Peace Corps, or the North Macedonia Government.

About Jim Damico

My name is Jim. And I have served in the Peace Corps in Thailand, Mongolia, Nepal, and now Armenia. I set up this website to help others interested in PC or already serving. For more info click the "About" link at the top of the page.

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