Went with all the teachers with the grade 4-6 boys and girls to Scout Camp. Scouting is a class in Thai schools so all the teachers and principles are scoutmasters and scout leaders. First the student went to a bunch of activity stations. Then after dinner, put on skits around the campfire. I hitched a ride back home while the rest of the group came home the next day. Again, a fun time had by all. What more could you ask for on Christmas Day!
Crossing a very shaky bridge.The National Anthem.Everyone changed and ready for the fun to begin.Honoring the Thai king who brought Scouting to Thailand.
Rope walkCrawl in the dirtZip lineMore rope activitiesCross the pondSome guys try to show offBut it doesn’t always work out.It’s a 16-leg race. Altogether!!Teamwork to get a scout through the tire.All tired and ready to clean up and eat.Dinner time with the teachers.Opening the campfire festivities.
My name is Jim. And I have served in the Peace Corps in Thailand, Mongolia, Nepal, and now Armenia. I set up this website to help others interested in PC or already serving. For more info click the "About" link at the top of the page.