I went to Sport Day at the subdistrict administration offices with one of my co-teachers, Sompong. There was a parade of each of the villages represented and Sompong was a judge for the parade. And then I sat in the VIP tent with my school principle, Banphot.
Can’t have a parade without a marching band.And you always need pictures of the king and queen.You also need majorettes.I think this was a “stop smoking” theme.And there were a few floats.
Kind of hard to walk in those heels!
Even the kids joined in.And you have to have an elephant in a Thai parade.My village, Ban Nong WaengSpeeches. It was hot out in the sun.They even had a torch like the Olympics.And to close out the opening ceremonies, this wonderful group of grandmothers danced for us.
My name is Jim. And I have served in the Peace Corps in Thailand, Mongolia, Nepal, and now Armenia. I set up this website to help others interested in PC or already serving. For more info click the "About" link at the top of the page.