When is the best time to apply? Volunteer Openings Timetable

people searching for volunteer openings on a laptop

Peace Corps now allows applicants to apply for specific openings depending on the person’s skills. But when should you apply? Knowing when the openings might be announced would help applicants get the jobs they want in the places they want to be. Below you will find a timetable of all the latest volunteer openings.

Application Process

Selecting the position you want is the first step in the application process. So, if you want a specific opening in a specific country, you need to wait until that position is listed on the peacecorps.gov website. Alternatively, you could also apply to be sent where your skills are most needed.

Openings tend to appear about 12-months before Departure

After you have decided on the opening you want, there will be an APPLY button on the job description page on peacecorps.gov. After you apply, the application process looks like this:

  • Select = Search openings and apply for the one that best matches your skills and interests
  • Apply – Note: You can only have one active Peace Corps Volunteer application.
  • Health History – Provide your health history
  • Interview – if selected, you will have an interview via videoconference
  • Invitation – If chosen, you will get an email invitation
  • Medical and Legal Clearance – Provide additional medical and legal information.
  • Onboarding – online documentation to read, study, or fill out before leaving
  • Departure/Staging – leave for the Peace Corps

Volunteer Programs/Sectors


Agriculture volunteers collaborate with small-scale farmers and households to enhance both food security and production. At the same time helping them in adapting to climate change and promoting environmental preservation. These volunteers join forces with farmers to implement practices that prevent soil erosion, minimize the reliance on harmful pesticides, and restore the quality of the soil. Together with farmers, they engage in integrated initiatives that involve activities such as vegetable gardening, livestock management, agroforestry, and education on nutrition.

Community Economic Development

Volunteers collaborate with development banks, non-governmental organizations (NGOs), and local governments. Their aim is to foster economic opportunities within communities. They often provide instruction in classroom environments. And they assist entrepreneurs and business owners in the development and promotion of their products. Additionally, certain volunteers teach fundamental computer skills. And they also assist communities in harnessing technologies that enable them to access the global marketplace.


The education sector is the primary focus of the Peace Corps’ activities. Volunteers collaborate with communities to establish connections between schools, parents, and the local community. They can serve in elementary, secondary, or post-secondary schools, teaching various subjects like mathematics, science, or conversational English. They can also work as resources for teachers or trainers. Additionally, volunteers contribute to the establishment of libraries and technology resource centers.

Certain programs within the Peace Corps offer Volunteers the chance to get a recognized teaching credential while serving. This provides them with a unique opportunity to meet global professional English standards.


Volunteers collaborate with local community partners to engage in grassroots initiatives aimed at safeguarding the environment and enhancing comprehension of environmental concerns.

They teach about environmental awareness to schools and local organizations. And they empower communities to take charge of their own decisions about the conservation of the local environment. Volunteers combat environmental degradation by advocating for the sustainable use of natural resources.


Health volunteers collaborate with community members to raise awareness and advocate for vital subjects such as nutrition, maternal and child health, fundamental hygiene practices, and water sanitation. Additionally, volunteers engage with community members in HIV/AIDS education and prevention initiatives. They train young individuals as peer educators, and establish programs that deliver emotional and financial support to families and communities affected by the HIV/AIDS epidemic.

Youth in Development

Volunteers collaborate with communities to foster youth participation. And they encourage young people active involvement in civic matters. This includes promoting awareness of gender issues, enhancing employability skills, providing education on health and HIV/AIDS, instilling environmental consciousness, organizing sports and fitness programs, and offering information technology initiatives.

Volunteer Openings Timetable

Seeing information about past openings, hopefully will give you an idea when future openings might appear. Peace Corps tends to follow a pretty rigid schedule, but there is no guarantee that the dates will not change.

Openings appear about 12 months before Departure.

Each opening is dependent on the host country. Openings with the same job title might not be the same for all countries. So it is best to check with the peacecorps.gov site to find out more about what each opening has to offer.

Timetable helps with long-range planning

This table should help you with your long-range planning. This is especially important when trying to schedule around important life events like graduation. Use the timetable to narrow down your choices. Links will take you to the peacecorps.gov website to get specific information about those positions.

Departure Month (updated 1/02/25)
Albania: Community Economic Development, Education, Health
Ecuador: Education
Ghana: Agriculture, Health
Montenegro: Education
Nepal: Agriculture, Education, Environment
Thailand: Education, Youth in Development
Panama: Agriculture, Community Economic Development, Environment
Kosovo: Community Economic Development, Education
Madagascar: Health, Youth in Development
Armenia: Education, Youth in Development
Costa Rica: Education
Dominican Republic: Community Economic Development, Education
Guatemala: Agriculture, Health
Peru: Community Economic Development, Health
Senegal: Community Economic Development, Health
Zambia: Agriculture, Environment
Belize: Health
Georgia: Community Economic Development, Education
Belize: Youth in Development
Benin: Agriculture, Education, Health
Ecuador: Health, Youth in Development
Ghana: Education
Jamaica: Education, Agriculture
Liberia: Education, Health
Malawi: Education, Environment, Health, Youth in Development
Paraguay: Community Economic Development, Health
Rwanda: Education, Health
Vanuatu: Education, Health
Cameroon: Agriculture, Education, Health
Eastern Caribbean: Education
Eswatini: Health, Youth in Development
Guinea: Education
Guyana: Education, Environment, Health
Kyrgyz Republic: Education
Liberia: Education, Health
Moldova: Community Economic Development, Education, Health
Mongolia: Education
Panama: Health, Youth in Development
Sierra Leone: Education, Health
The Gambia: Education
Togo: Agriculture, Education, Health
Tonga: Education, Environment
Botswana: Community Economic Development, Education
Costa Rica: Community Economic Development, Youth in Development:
El Salvador: Community Economic Development, Youth in Development
Philippines: Education, Environment, Youth in Developments
Samoa: Education, Environment
South Africa: Education, Health
Uganda: Education, Health
Cambodia: Education
Colombia: Community Economic Development, Education
Dominican Republic: Education, Youth in Development
Guatemala: Community Economic Development, Youth in Development
Kenya: Education, Health
Madagascar: Agriculture, Education, Health, Youth in Development
Mexico: Education, Environment
Namibia: Education (odd years), Community Economic Development & Health (even years)
Tanzania: Agriculture, Education, Health
Zambia: Education, Health
Colombia: Community Economic Development, Education
Fiji: Community Economic Development
Guatemala: Community Economic Development, Youth in Development
Indonesia: Education
Jamaica: Agriculture, Education
Lesotho: Education, Health
Morocco: Youth in Development
Mozambique: Education, Health, Youth in Development
North Macedonia: Community Economic Development, Education
Paraguay: Agriculture, Environment
Peru: Health, Youth in Development
Philippines: Education, Environment, Youth in Development
Senegal: Agriculture, Environment, Health
Sri Lanka: Education
Tanzania: Education, Health
Cambodia: Education
Kenya: Education, Health
The Gambia: Agriculture, Health
Timor-Leste: Community Economic Development, Education
Uganda: Agriculture, Community Economic Development, Education, Health
Viet Nam: Education
no placements in November
Guinea: Agricluture, Health

No matter where you are in the application process or even if you’re still thinking about it, consider joining r/peacecorps at Reddit.com – a subreddit for all things Peace Corps, with updated information and valuable input from a diverse and active community of 25,000 PCV redditors @ https://www.reddit.com/r/peacecorps/

Feature Photo by John Schnobrich on Unsplash

About Jim Damico

My name is Jim. And I have served in the Peace Corps in Thailand, Mongolia, Nepal, and now Armenia. I set up this website to help others interested in PC or already serving. For more info click the "About" link at the top of the page.

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